Dc offices
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Nicolas Richelet
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Great work, i love the mood and the style you gave to the image, bravo !
Nicolas Richelet
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Great job, i really like the mood and style you gave to this image !
Zoltan Koncz
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DC means "Dunyov Corner" in this instance (in Budapest, Hungary), but still, glad You like it ! :)

erick gustafson
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Having lived in DC for several summers (during college) I have a special appreciation for the mood of this image. I feel like I have totally seen this type of weather pop up out of nowhere in DC on an otherwise nice day.
I like it alot.

Tom Suess
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Well the storm seems to be breaking not moving in. If anything the image has a hopeful vibe. I love the energy in a city right after a storm. This sense is conveyed well in the artwork. Blue skies and puffy clouds are great and all but I by far prefer the dynamic nature of an image like this.

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John Dollus I agree a lot with you, but anyway the overall image is good. Nice work

John Dollus
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i can't think of a single client that wanted their bldg shown during a rainstorm. since i am from the Midwest, it reminds me of tornado weather because of the amount of sunlight you show compared to the darker clouds on the left. It's a fast moving storm that blocks out the sun. it's an interesting image but the bright reflection on the storm side seems out of place along with the really tall people in the foreground. why is there only one person sensible enough to bring an umbrella or wear an overcoat?

Wim Clissen
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Very impressive!
I like the rainy autumn mood in the image.
Cain Arsenault
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Nice job, your Ps work really paid off.